Wednesday, May 12, 2010

International poo flinging!

I'm going to Afghanistan! I'm sorta scared and sorta excited. I'm looking foward to playing ping pong, getting a sun tan off of shiny shaved army dude heads, riding a camel, kising a camel, taking lots of pictures, cuddling, flinging poo internationally, joining the mile high club, well lets just say there is a lot of stuff I'm looking foward too.

I hope to come back and wiser monkey.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rochester's growing a pair

Kathy's pub is providing fertile ground for a growing dance scene in Rochester. Apollo Cobra rocked the joint with DJ Shiny Tiny Beats. All kinds of craziness was happening including guest MC's. This wasn't your music on wheels wedding dance party that's for sure.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Getting down around town

I have the schoop on the latest poo flinging extravaganza. Where were you the night of April 2nd??? I was at the Chester Bay concert amidst a swarm of screaming hotties and dudes wandering around in a state of "face rocked off" shock. I even got some love, enjoy the pics.

Check out some music here

69 cents a song, damn, gimme some more of that.

"I fling poo because I luv u",
George Jr Doubleshake <3

Pics from Chester Bay Concert